Strongest Soldier


“Strongest Soldier” a 17” by 11” art piece done on Adobe Photoshop CS5. This piece was created to commemorate September the 11th – Remembrance Day. Creating a word bubble and filling up the word bubble with meaningful phrases that make you think for a second and then finding a highly detailed photo that evokes true emotion made this finishing art piece quite east to make. In addition, the colours chosen for this project were made to be relevant to the colours in our remembrance poppy. In the end, incorporating these images and texts to make one final piece, they each have a role to be played. For instance , the texts play the role of being the words spoken by the infant in the background in order to get a younger (age-wise) and sadder point of view. Another role being played in this art piece is the background photo, the infant. The infant was placed in my piece because it was meant to give the viewer/audience the impression of how heartbreaking it is to leave their child behind to go fight in a war. The message of “Strongest Soldier” is that even though there are parents and individuals with families who are willing to fight in war as Canadian “soldiers”, I would like to say that in my point of view the child is the strongest soldier because they have no choice but to give a major and incredible part of their life and having to live on knowing that their mother or father could’ve been there and to me it’s just saddening to think about. Finally, the principles of design I displayed were emphasis and proportion. Emphasis to catch the viewer’s attention in order to make one area stand out by contrasting it with other areas. In addition proportion to get the feeling of unity, to create when all parts (sizes, amounts, or number) relate well with each other. In conclusion, “Strongest Soldier” emphasizes the point of view from the children who are apart of military families. Stay strong!

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