Grade 11 Work

This page provides pieces from February to June 2015, starting from the top as the most recent piece to the bottom as the oldest piece within the time interval given above. So, to save you time this page consists of pieces called: “Arno Pro”, Where’s the Fire?”, Let’s go to New Zealand” and Earth NEEDS a new Hobby”.

Title: “Let’s go to New Zealand”

This 4” by 6” postcard assignment, created on Adobe Photoshop CS5 is made for the purpose of making our own postcard. My entire postcard consists of places found all around the country of New Zealand to give my piece an authentic appeal – each capital letter holds a place found in New Zealand. The reason as to why  I chose to to do my postcard assignment for New Zealand is because i want to put New Zealand on the map, I want to travel when I’m older. People grow up wanting to go to beautiful places like paris, Italy, London etc. and I’m here thinking and saying to people “well what about New Zealand it’s beautiful there?”. I looked and searched up images on google and found amazing locations that I would love to travel/stay at – this country is definitely a must go to! The strengths that can go with this postcard piece is the authentic appeal, using high quality images to incorporate them into my postcard assignment in order to make a well made postcard that is presentable to the general public. I would say a challenge that I faced while making the piece is finding high quality photos of places to visit when your in New Zealand. Finally if I could do this all over again i would most likely choose a better and different location that includes more locations to visit as well as recording high quality photos.


Barbara Kruger Poster
Title: “Earth NEEDS a new Hobby”

The Barbara Kruger Inspiration assignment motivated me to fabricate a new original piece called “Earth NEEDS a new Hobby” a 11″ by 17″ piece finished on Adobe Photoshop CS5. This piece depicts a photo of people in a crowded area symbolizing one of our many environmental issues – overpopulation along with the illustration “Earth NEEDS a new Hobby” which is briefly stating that we as a unit need to gradually decline in mass producing new life. One of the strengths in this piece is the emphasis on the word “NEEDS” implying that it is urgent to stop procreating as much as we are now for example we could create a child limit like china does. In addition, there were challenges that made this Barbara Kruger Inspiration assignment such as making such a clever and witty  text as her which resulted in thinking for a more than ten minutes because I wanted to make the text original yet have the signature of the famous Barbara Kruger. In conclusion, if I were to start the Barbara Kruger Inspiration assignment all over again, I would change the background because I was not completely satisfied in choosing the background I had chosen.


Title: “Where’s the fire?”

This 8.5 by 11 assignment with 300 ppi is made in Adobe Photoshop CS5. The reason it was created was for the purpose of creating a piece that is relevant to the great work of David Hockney. My piece involves a stationary rustic red fire hydrant that was located just outside the front doors of Regiopolis-Notre Dame. The job for this assignment was to take photographs of a subject from three different points of view then integrate them together to make a form of art called ‘cubism’. The meaning behind the images within the piece is renewal. You are ready to make a fresh start. A flowing hydrant is a forecast of fading worries. A burst hydrant suggests you should express your pent up anger and feelings before they explode. The strength of this artwork is the placement of the tiny images in a specific spot in order to make the entire piece to pop! However, one of the weaknesses in this artwork is lighting, to me if I could to all over again I would choose different lighting exposure levels to make this piece better.

Designing With Type - Complete
Title: Arno Pro

This 11 x 17 typography assignment is made for the purpose of experimenting with typography and adobe illustrator. My piece was crafted with the Arno Pro font originating from the Adobe family, with the idea of creating a font that has an Italian renaissance feel. With my skills, I put my best foot forward to moisten the font rather than drying it out so, this piece can pertain to the creator innovation. When deciding the placement of each letter/word, I visualized organization yet creative. The strengths to this piece is the placement of lettering pertaining to the font’s title “ARNO PRO” and the background colouring because I planned it to be relevant to the signature so that it blends in. However, the background’s darker areas make the fonts colour difficult to read. Overall, if I could do it all other again I would change the font because this font was not my first nor the best choice.

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