
The art piece displayed above is just a piece of the puzzle. There is a link above to see the rest of the series. It is an architectural/crafts/sculpting project created by artist Rosa de Jeong and the series is called “Micro Matter”. The piece comprises of a tiny village and under it, is bed of rock floating in the centre of a transparent tube. To me, the principle of design movement is shown in the edges of the residential building to the rock flowing down. The eye follows the prominent contour lines. As well as, unity by physically connecting the elements together and creating a sense of completeness and togetherness in a work. Along with elements of design like shape, using geometric shapes for the house and organic shapes to mimic nature. Another element of design in this piece is texture because as the viewer looks you can gradually start to think about the elements and remember what rocks etc. feel like. Finally, in my own opinion, I would like to say that I like this art piece because of the idea behind it. To minimize a portion of man’s work and put it under a looking glass to view it in all its detail and beauty. In addition, I like the way the artist wanted to portray her artwork. In a test tube as if it were a scientific experiment and it is another point of view on how we see the world, that we are a small piece in a giant universe that has yet to be discovered by us.

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These pieces shown above are a part of a series called “Natural Connections” created by Elicia Edijanto. Theses pieces can be categorized as drawings, illustrations and/or paintings. The first piece is a young boy petting a large bison. The second piece is is a tired young boy traveling on a large bear while commuting with other bears of different sizes. The third piece is a group of people running with a parade of different sized elephants and the final piece is an adventurous young boy and his dog sailing through body of water together. To the principle of design, proportion comes into play due to the different sizes displayed in each art piece. Harmony, another principle of design due to the colours chosen for this series. The white opposite to black makes the harmony each artwork possible. Next, the element of design colour is shown because the artist plays around with the intensity and value of piece. Another, element of design is space because of the amount of positive space in the figure and negative space in the emptiness of the background showcased. Finally, in my own opinion, I like these pieces because of the meaning I perceive from it. All of these pieces entail a story of younglings co-operating with animals that we hunt today. The younglings are innocent to the world and do not know what adults do to them. This is the idea and action we need to pursue as children and adults, living in harmony together, not fear or be feared.

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This piece shown above, is the creation of artist Oscar Delmar. “Laplace’s Demon” can be categorized as MakeUp Arts (M.U.A), Drawing and writing. The art piece illustrates a black atom with words below stating “Laplace’s demon”. Principles of design that can describe this piece are emphasis due to the artist’s choice of place. The atom and the letterings in the centre with nothing else surrounding them, so that the viewer’s main focus will be on the subject. Next, rhythm can be found in the artist’s drawing movements – the atom’s outer rings. In order to create a feeling of organized movement. There are also elements of design incorporated in this piece such as, space, using positive space for the atom and letterings and using negative space to create an emptiness around the shapes. In addition, the artist also constructs the element of design, shape using free-form shapes(irregular shapes). Finally, in my own opinion, I like the artist’s piece because it gives me and the audience a sense of what ideals the artist, Oscar Delmar follows. Laplace’s demon briefly states that the idea of determinism, namely the belief that the past completely determines the future. I strongly believe this statement because whatever you do right now will be in the past as the seconds go by and you cannot change that. Another reason as to why I like Oscar Delmar’s piece is because the art represents the letterings really well. Marquis Pierre Simon de Laplace is a mathematical physicist and so, creating an obscure atom put’s the icing on the cake.

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This piece shown above, is the creation of artist 46&2 // Visual Sorcery. “THE NEWTON METHOD” can be categorized as Art Direction, Branding and Graphic Design. This piece illustrates an obscure background representing space along with white dots representing particles and energy to which some of them are aligned to create rings surrounding the centre-piece of the project. A white thinned outline appearing to be a rectangular box stating “THE NEWTON METHOD”. Principles of design that can describe this piece are Rhythm because one or more elements of design are used repeatedly to create a feeling of organized movement and Balance because  the distribution of the visual weight of objects, colours, texture, and space. In asymmetrical balance, the elements used on each side of the piece are different yet, this adds a sense of stability and calmness. There are also elements of design incorporated in this piece such as, line using implied lines which is a suggested line that is connected by the viewer’s eye but not actually physically present. In addition, shape, using geometric shapes as well as irregular shapes for example – circles, rectangles and circles connecting with each other to make an irregular shape. Finally, in my own opinion, I find this art piece aesthetically pleasing because what the piece “THE NEWTON METHOD” does essentially, is move around energy. Peeling off layers, reformatting, reorganising, reprogramming, rearranging, realigning frequencies, particles, energy. However, if you see this piece as a humanistic point of view. Meaning, we should see this piece as an alignment with our natural selves, dropping the baggage. In conclusion, I find this piece as an innovative and creative way of communicating on an artistic point of view, And so, I am very happy and excited for this futuristic type of advertising/branding.

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This piece shown above, is the creation of artist Alex Andreyev. “A Separate Reality 13” is the name of this series however, this piece is called “The Call” to which can be categorized as Digital Art, Fine Arts and Illustration. The art piece illustrates a foggy day with alienated octopus-like spacecraft attempting to land at an aircraft landing strip along with a landing signal officer showing the alienated spacecraft where to land. Principles of design that can describe this piece are Emphasis because the alienated octopus-like spacecraft catches the viewer’s attention. Due to making these subjects stand out by contrasting it with other areas like in size, colour, texture, shape, etc. Another Principle of design is Movement because also pertaining to the alienated octopus-like spacecraft, these subjects create an imaginary path or implied lines so that the viewer’s eye can pass through the work of art.To the elements of design, Space comes into play due to a display of atmospheric space. The foggy air acts as a filter to change the appearance of distance objects. Next is Colour, Alex Andreyev saturates the colour on bottom of the alienated octopus-like spacecraft to give it a dull appearance as well as making the subject more vibrant. Finally, in my own opinion, I find this as an interesting point of view of how this artist sees the extraterrestrials coming and greeting us. And because everyone has a different mindset on extraterrestrials existing in our reality, it’s neat. Plus he views us as friendly with our arms wide open in which is ironic because us humans don’t even accept all walks of life yet.

Thanks for reading.